Legends in the Kitchen

Legends in the Kitchen


Legends in the Kitchen - Celebrity Recipes for a Cause

Compiled by Mrs. Howard Keel and Linda F. Radke, Foreword by Stefanie Powers

Legends in the Kitchen is chock full of delicious, unique recipes that make it possible for chefs and novice cooks alike to impress friends and family with the same dishes celebrities prepare for their guests. Imagine the conversation around the table when diners discover they are noshing on the Beef Stew with Walnuts that Betty Ford makes for former President Gerald Ford, Victoria Principal's Jade Empress Chicken or Dick Clark's Cajun Corn Chowder. In addition to being an ideal gift and a must-have for serious cookbook collectors, a portion of the book's sales supports the Motion Picture & Television Fund.

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Paperback, perfect-bound. 160 pages.

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