Book Award Winner Email Campaign

Book Award Winner Email Campaign

from $695.00

Has your children’s book recently won a Purple Dragonfly Book award, been designated as Story Monsters Approved!, or won another award? Get your news out to 10,000+ educators, librarians, booksellers, and media member with our “Shout It from the Rooftops Email Campaign.” This campaign includes the Story Monsters team writing a news release, designing an email and then pitching it to our targeted list. We will also promote your book award on our Story Monsters social media pages.

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We have two options available:

Standard Option ($695):

With the Standard Option, we will write a news release to include in a professionally-designed email.

Deluxe Option ($895):

The Deluxe Option includes everything in the Standard Option but we will also add the news release the EIN Press Wire.

Click on the button below to EIN Press Wire news release email by Story Monsters.

Once you submit your order, please upload files of the following to our ftp site:

1) Book Cover (JPG)

2) Author Photo (JPG)

3) Book Award Seal (JPG)

3) Any marketing materials, news releases, or anything else you think will be useful to write the release.

4) Digital Copy of Book (PDF)

How to Upload Files:
Password: password777

Click on the EMAIL CAMPAIGNS folder.

Create a new folder by clicking on “+new folder” in the navigation. Use your first and last name for the name of the folder.

Click on your newly created folder and then click on “+add file” to upload your photos.


Please allow for 5-7 business days for us to write a draft copy of the text for your email campaign. If you want to coordinate the timing of your email campaign with other book publicity efforts, please let us know!

Please feel free to contact us at 480-940-8182 at any time with any questions. We look forward to working with you!