Friends of Story Monster Email Campaign

Friends of Story Monster Email Campaign


Give your children’s book visibility to parents, teachers, librarians, and book reviewers! Our Friends of Story Monster Email Campaign includes a professionally-designed email offering 40,000 teachers, librarians, book reviewers, and parents the opportunity to review a digital copy for free. We will also promote your book on the Story Monsters social media pages.

Email Delivery

We will collect the list of contacts who request to review your book for you to follow up and send a digital copy of your book. We will provide you with sample text that includes a link to a form to submit a book review for you to send to each requestor. This option can provide an intimate way for the author to connect with anyone interested in their book. It is the author’s responsibility to respond to each request and follow up.

Email Campaign Tips

These tips will help you with a successful email campaign. Click here for the tips page.

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Click on the button below to view sample email campaigns.

Check out a sample of five-star book reviews authors have received resulting from participating on our email campaigns!

Once you submit your order, please email These files to

1) Book Cover (JPG or PNG)

2) Author Photo (JPG or PNG)

3) Illustrations from your book (JPG)

3) Any marketing materials, news releases, or anything else you think will be useful to us in creating your ads and email pitch.

4) Digital Copy of Book (PDF)


Please allow for 5-7 business days for us to write a draft copy of the text for your email campaign. If you want to coordinate the timing of your email campaign with other book publicity efforts, please let us know!

Please feel free to contact us at 480-940-8182 at any time with any questions. We look forward to working with you!